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Speaker bios

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Speakers in Alphabetical Order by Last Name; If you don't see yourself on here, and you spoke, ADD yourself!  I prefer it if you add yourself, since BIL is entirely volunteer driven.


Or send lexbright [at] gmail [dot] com an e-mail with your:


- Bio

- Talk title

- A link to your slides (if any)

- A photo you wish to use


...and I'll post it - Lexi




Ryan Arroyo

My Water Future





BIL2009 Talk: California's Water Crisis - What YOU can do!


After spending several years working for an overseas manufacturer and seeing first hand the dramatic and massive factory infrastructure in China, India, and Vietnam, Ryan Arroyo decided to switch careers and focus on opportunities that promote earth-friendly practices and sustainable living. Being a long-time resident of Southern California, water conservation was an important area to focus Boxing Glove for cassette player .

Ryan's newest project, MyWaterFuture.com, is a website and e-store that teaches water conservation practices and promotes water saving products.



Eve Blossom

Founder, CEO Lulan Artisans

Charleston SC





BIL2009 Talk: "Material Social Change" How a fabric company is transforming lives in local communities globally



Ms. Blossom's seventeen years’ experience in early-stage technology firms, international business, nonprofit and social ventures led her to founding Lulan Artisans.  After earning her master’s degree in Architecture from Tulane University, she practiced at Gensler in Los Angeles.  She then spent two years in Viet Nam restoring French villas for such clients as Price Waterhouse and Chase Manhattan, and training Vietnamese architects in technology.  After returning to the US, Blossom was a VP of business development with Gravity, Inc, a software company in San Francisco, and then founded the San Francisco-based Envolved Inc./Foundation, an Internet portal for nonprofit groups. She moved to Charleston in 2001 and ran the fundraising office of the American College of the Building Arts. 



But it was during her time in the Viet Nam phase of her career that she found the roots of her calling.  Traveling throughout Southeast Asia, she became passionate about local hand-woven textiles utilizing natural dyes.  She recognized that the superb talents of the master weavers combined with a social venture model could create a strong economic engine to fuel social change for these individuals, their families and communities.



merges all of Blossom’s skills: design, product development, production, management, and strategic planning, accompanied by her commitment to social, economic, cultural and environmental sustainability. Drawn to weaving, she sees it as an architectural art form, the warp and weft creating a structure that has functional and aesthetic applications.  Lulan is intended to give a louder voice, and a wider audience to the talented artisans who deserve it. Lulan plans to launch a website with a direct consumer area with ecommerce at the end of March. 





Eric Boyd

Founder Automotive X Prize

Engineer Jetalon




BIL2009 Talk: Automotive X Prize

BIL2009 TalkB: Metacivilization Tutorial


Eric Boyd is not a car nut.  He's an efficiency nut.  Trained as a mechanical engineer, steeped in mathematics, and concerned about issues like peak oil, global warming, and the rise and fall of civilizations, Eric hopes that the Automotive X Prize will make a difference in how our society handles the major challenges which confront it.




Francisco Dao

Founder and President The Killer Pitch



BIL2009: Secrets of Social Influence (How to Get a Date) 


From 2005-2008 Francisco Dao was a leadership columnist for Inc.com and later covered technology "Buzz" for FastCompany.com. Francisco has also written multiple works for The Conference Board and is author of the book Killer Attitude 53 Rules of Unstoppable moscow apartments | saint-petersburg hotels Confidence.   Before that he was head of Strategy and Performance, Inc., a leadership and organizational performance consulting firm, where he provided strategy and leadership guidance to hundreds of business owners and entrepreneurs.  He was also the founder of TDEC Inc., a million dollar training business, and has served as a strategic development consultant to numerous technology start-ups.  He is also the recent e-book author of  "Business Cards Don't Matter and Other Secrets of Social Influence."     



Patri Friedman

Executive Director, The Seasteading Institute





BIL2009 Talk: Seasteading: How to homestead the high seas and why it will make politics work better



Patri attended HMC where he received a bachelor's degree in math, then Stanford University for an MS in Computer Science and Cardean University for an MBA. He worked for Google as a software engineer from 2004 to 2008, when he left to found TSI. Patri is an avid poker player, a prolific writer on political theory and philosophy, and an active participant in festivals such as Burning Man and Pennsic. Patri has co-founded two intentional communities, experience he plans to bring to making seasteading a reality.



Eric Gradman

Design, Robotics and Interactice Systems




BIL2009 Talk: Perils of Robotics

BIL2009 Talk: Interactice Spaces


BIL2009 Video: http://revision3.com/bil/ (scroll)



Eric Gradman is a circus performer, roboticist, and interactive artist.  (Yes, the art and the artist are both interactive).

He works for Applied Minds in Glendale, CA.  He also performs with The Mutaytor and Cirque Berzerk, performance art & circus troupes in Los Angeles.


You can find him online.  Its not hard.  You can also email him at eric at gradman dot com. Phlebotomy Training



Dr. Aubrey de Grey

Chairman and Chief Science Officer of the Methuselah Foundation





BIl2009 Talk: The Methuselah Foundation's university research projects: SENS progress worldwide

BIL2009 Slides: BIL09-deGrey.ppt


Bil2008 Talk: How to Be a Succesful Heretic


Dr. Aubrey de Grey is a biomedical gerontologist based in Cambridge, UK, and is the Chairman and Chief Science Officer of the Methuselah Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity dedicated to combating the aging process. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Rejuvenation Research, the world’s only peer-reviewed journal focused on intervention in aging.  His research interests encompass the causes of all the accumulating and eventually pathogenic molceular and cellular side-effects of metabolism (“damage”) that constitute mammalian aging and the design of interventions to repair and/or obviate that damage. He has developed a possibly comprehensive plan for such repair, termed Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS), which breaks the aging problem down into seven major classes of damage and identifies detailed approaches to addressing each one. A key aspect of SENS is that it can potentially extend healthy lifespan without limit, even though these repair processes will probably never be perfect, as the repair only needs to approach perfection rapidly enough to keep the overall level of damage below pathogenic levels. Dr. de Grey has termed this required rate of improvement of repair therapies “longevity escape velocity”.




Joel Grus

Aspiring author: Your Religion is False

PhD dropout in Mathematics and Economics



BIL2009 Talk: Your Religion is False

BIL2009 Video: http://revision3.com/bil/ (scroll to the bottom)


Joel's version of Joel's bio: Joel Grus lives in Seattle. He has no hobbies.  He is writing a book.  That's really more of a "calling" than a "hobby" though.


Alexis' version of Joel's bio:  Funny man Joel Grus has  a quick wit and sharp humor, and is a thoughtful person, in spite of being a math/econ guy.  He is a co-founder of Hike the Geek.  In 2005 he dropped out of his economics PhD program to help found a hedge fund.  Soon afterward he started working for some company that got purchased by some other company.  In spite of his many and deep flaws, he manages to date intelligent, charming women that inexplicably laugh at his jokes (even the religious ones!).



Francine Hardaway

Partner at Stealthmode Partners

Board Member at National Advocacy & Training Network/SEEDs

Founding Member at Social Media Club



BIL2009 Talk: 10 Lessons I Learned from Starting Companies in a Downturn 

BIL 2009 Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/hardaway/10-lessons-i-learned-from-starting-companies-in-downturns


Francine is a self-described geek-to-human translator. She bought her first Apple product in the (very) early 80s, abandoned it for the supposedly portable Compaq a few years later, and returned to Macs soon after. By the late 80s, she was haranguing her daughters' journalism teachers for continuing to make the students literally cut and paste up the school newspaper copy when desktop publishing already existed, and had sacrificed their high school popularity for their greater good. She also tried to give them fax machines for Christmas, which they returned.


Her passion for hardware died when the Internet "came along" and she realized the future was in software. Her first real experience with the power of online communities was in 1996, when insomnia after her husband's death led her to discover Widownet, followed a discreet year later by Match.com.


In the early 90s, she made herself less popular with her friends by insisting that they all learn about email and the Internet, although they all assured her they would be dead before they needed to know it. She started a weekly email list that evolved over the years, and is now known by people who still don't read blogs as "Francine's blog." Francine's real blog — for those "in the know"–is at Stealthmode Blog. She can also be found on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, Identi.ca, and every other social network someone tells her about. She's usually "hardaway" on these services, except on Identi.ca, where she hides in plain sight as "francine."


And, oh by the way, she is a serial entrepreneur who counsels and invests in other startup entrepreneurs at Stealthmode Partners, although she's currently as broke as everyone else due to the exigencies of markets. She can tell you how long it REALLY takes to get beyond those early adopters.




Ben Huh

CEO at Pet Holdings, Inc.




BIL2009 Talk: What's Funny about the Interwebs


Ben Huh, is the Chief Cheezburger in charge of I Can Has Cheezburger.  He is also the CEO of Pet Holdings, Inc., the company behind the hugely popular blogs I Can Has Cheezburger?, FAIL Blog and others. The success of his sites can be attributed to his knowledge of memes, viral content and crowd-sourcing.


Some say, he is the world's foremost expert in the captioning of cat pictures. Some say, he is allergic to cats. Either way, his companies are party in the front, business in the back.




Alex Lightman

CEO, Innofone.com, Inc.





BIL2009 Talk: A Lever and a Place to Stand: how to do cool things around the world

BIL2009 Video: http://revision3.com/bil/ (scroll)


Alex Lightman is a leading writer and speaker on the future of technology and communications. He is the author of the first book on 4G wireless, Brave New Unwired World: The Digital Big Bang and the Infinite Internet, published by John Wiley in 2002 and has published nearly 100 articles for technology, business, and political publications including Red Herring, Chief Executive, and Internet World. Lightman has been interviewed over 1,000 times in recent years, including 13 times on CNN. Currently he is writing The Ever Smarter World and recently completed The Future Engine: How Science Fiction Catalyzes Business and Technology. He has delivered dozens of highly rated keynotes and hundreds of talks on technology, education and society in over 20 countries to Social Media Agency Manchester





Bruce McHenry

  Founder of RoadTrains.uf and the Key Prize Foundation  




BIL2009 Talk: Zars: Cars that form Trains

BIL2009 Slides:




Bruce obtained three degrees from MIT, worked at SRI International and other gigs in Silicon Valley during the 80's, was a director of the Richard Lounsbery Foundation in the 90's, created DiscussIT.org and is the founder of RoadTrains.us and the Key Prize Foundation.




 Alexandros Pagidas





BIL2009 Talk: Creating the University of the Future

BIL2008 Talk: Dare to be wise! Reclaiming Philosophy from the Anatomists of Thought


Alexandros Pagidas is a philosopher and entrepreneur from Greece, living in San Francisco since 2006. 


Website: http://www.changeyourreality.com



Jonathan Sheffi

Senior Biopharmaceutical Representative, Dermatology at Amgen

Recently accepted to the MBA program at Harvard Business School




BIL2009 Talk:  The Promise and the Peril of Personalized Medicine 

BIL2009 Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/sheffi/bil-2009-personalized-medicine-and-personal-genomics


BIL2008 Talk:  Social Bonding (Jonathan Sheffi and Lexi Bright)

BIL2008 Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/sheffi/bil-2008-social-bonding


Jonathan is a lifelong student with a fiery passion for improving patient lives through miracles of biotechnology. He currently serves as a Senior Biopharmaceutical Representative with Amgen in the Enbrel Dermatology sales force in Portland, Oregon. Previously, he served as the Secondary Market Research Manager for the Aranesp and Sensipar brand teams at Amgen’s world headquarters in Thousand Oaks, California. Before joining Amgen, Jonathan consulted for a variety of life science companies as a Business Analyst in Accenture’s Health and Life Sciences Strategy practice, based in San Francisco, California.


Jonathan attended MIT both as an undergraduate and as a graduate student. As an undergrad, he majored in both mathematics and computer science, and minored in biology. Jonathan’s graduate research at MIT focused on computational biology, also known as bioinformatics, and was conducted at the Broad Institute under Prof. Mark Daly and Prof. David Altshuler. His Master’s thesis, which described a novel model of human haplotype variation, was awarded the first-place David Adler Memorial Thesis Prize by the MIT EECS department for the best master’s thesis of 2004. He was recently accepted to the MBA program at Harvard Business School.



Cameron Sinclair

Co-Founder Architecture for Humanity




BIL2009 Talk: Open Source Architecture: From Ted Prize to Reality

BIL2009 Video: http://revision3.com/bil/ (scroll)


Cameron Sinclair is the co-founder and 'eternal optimist' at Architecture for Humanity, a charitable organization that seeks architectural solutions to humanitarian crisis and brings professional design services to communities in need. Over the past ten years the organization has worked in twenty six countries on projects ranging from school, health clinics, affordable housing and long term sustainable reconstruction.


Sinclair and Architecture for Humanity co-founder Kate Stohr have compiled a compendium on socially conscious design titled "Design Like You Give A Damn: Architectural Responses to Humanitarian Crises". He serves on advisory boards of the Acumen Fund, Detroit Collaborative Design Center and the Institute for State Effectiveness.


Sinclair is the recipient of numerous awards including the 2006 TED prize and the 2005 RISD/Target Emerging Designer of the Year. Recently he was selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.


Along with co-founder Kate Stohr, was awarded the Wired Magazine 2006 Rave Award for Architecture for their work in responding to housing needs following Hurricane Katrina. In 2008 they were recipients of the National Design Award for demonstrating "that good design can indeed change the world."


As a result of the TED Prize he and Stohr launched the Open Architecture Network, the worlds’ first open source community dedicated to improving living conditions through innovative and sustainable design. In 2009 the network will host a global challenge to redesign educational facilities around the world.



Brad TempletonBrad Templeton

Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation





BIL2009 Talk: Robert Cars, saving the planet part 2

BIL2009 Talk: The Evils of Cloud Computing, Data Portability & Single Sign On 


BIL2009 Talk: Robot Cars, part 1


Brad Templeton founded and ran ClariNet Communications Corp., the first internet-based content company, then sold it to Newsedge Corporation in 1997. ClariNet publishes an online electronic newspaper delivered for live reading on subscribers machines. He has been active in the computer network community since 1979, participated in the building and growth of USENET from its earliest days and in 1987 he founded and edited rec.humor.funny, the world's most widely read computerized conference on that network, and today the world's longest running blog. He has been a software company founder, and is the author of a dozen packaged microcomputer software products. He was chairman of the board of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the leading civil rights advocacy group for cyberspace from 2000 to 2010. He also sits on the advisory boards for a few internet startups. Currently he is building a new startup to reinvent the phone call. He is also on the board of the Foresight Institute (A Nanotech think-tank) and BitTorrent, Inc.  His blog is Brad Ideas.



Joseph Turian, Ph.D.

University of Montreal;

post-doctoral research fellow;

Adapative Computer Systems Laboratory


 BIL2009 Talk: Deep Learning for Artificial Intelligence


SCIENCE BIO: Joseph Turian has been working on artificial intelligence research since 1996. His focus is on using sophisticated machine learning techniques to approach large-scale problems in natural language. He is currently a post-doctoral research fellow at the Université de Montréal, studying deep learning methods with Professor Yoshua Bengio, Canada Research Chair in Statistical Learning Algorithms. Dr. Turian defended his

dissertation, "Constituent Parsing by Classification" at New York University. He received his AB from Harvard University in Computer Science (cum laude).

HACKER BIO: "Dad! Type 'get sword'" I would say as we played King's Quest I together, back when I was a pre-schooler. This is how I learned to read and write, before ever picking up a book: by playing text-based adventure games with my Dad. I've been a serious hacker for at least 2/3's of my lifespan, having picked up C programming at around 10. At age 15, I was one of four high school students chosen to represent the United States in the international computing olympiad (IOI). At 18, I and two other students from Harvard gained 8th place in the world in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. So basically, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool hacker.



Peter Voss

Owner Adaptive A.I. Inc





BIL2009 Talk: Toward Real AI


Peter started his accomplished career as an entrepreneur, inventor, engineer and scientist at age 16. After a few years of experience in electronics engineering, at age 25 he started a company to provide advanced custom software development and information-technology services. Seven years later the company employed several hundred people and was successfully listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.


After selling his interest in the company in 1993, he worked on a broad range of disciplines -- cognitive science, philosophy and theory of knowledge, psychology, intelligence and learning theory, and computer science -- which served as the foundation for achieving our breakthroughs in artificial general intelligence. In 2001 he started our parent company, Adaptive AI Inc., with the purpose of developing systems with a high degree of general intelligence and commercializing products based on these inventions.


Peter often writes and presents on various philosophical topics including rational ethics, freewill and artificial minds; and is deeply involved with futurism and life-extension.



David Zetland

PhD Economist





BIL2009 Talk: An "integrated" Solution to Water Mismanagement in the West


David Zetland received his PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics from UC Davis in 2008. He is now a S.V. Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellow in Natural Resource Economics and Political Economy at UC Berkeley. He blogs on water, economics and politics at aguanomics.com.





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