  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



Page history last edited by ketoanvietnam 12 years, 8 months ago
BIL 2008


BILcast - listen to the speakers as a series of podcasts

Saturday Morning talks and Garrett Lisi have been posted.


Live Stream of BIL Conference

There are two options for watching a live stream of the conference:


2. Ib programme

3. Diploma Programme 

4. water in basement rochester ny


Sunday Conference Schedule

5:51p version. Latest: Schedule page updated with Sunday Schedule.



BIL Shirts


If you didn't get a shirt but would like one, use this form to request one. We need 100 people to commit to a shirt before we can order them again.



BIL Activities



  • MeshWalks - A series of small, walking conferences/discussions/tours through Monterey and the lovely Monterey Beach and El Estero Park. See MeshWalk's blog for more detail and history of the format
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium There may also be discussion groups in the aquarium, a great place for inspiration and wonderment.


To maximize your comfort please bring the items listed on the BILDERS TOOLKIT. Be nice, and have a blast!



There is no WiFi at the facility, right now we'll be using cell phones/cards WiFi for internet coverage. If you can help get a faster connection, please e mail superphly -at- gmail.com.


Qtask will be providing one of these Wireless Cell cards + Wireless Routers





Keep in Touch (new!)






**Things we need!










Blog Coverage





Date: March 1st, 2nd

Time: 10AM

Location waptrick:

Monterey Youth Center

777 Pearl Street

Monterey, CA 93940

Google Map


More details on Venue Page

Twitter: http://twitter.com/bilconf

Max attendance: 150, Reached Friday 10:00am

Web Site: http://bilconference.com/

Wiki Password:bil

IRC Backchannel: irc.freenode.net #bil

Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/bil-conference

Flickr, Technorati tags:

bil, bil2008, bilconference

Overview Map of All Event Venues, Hotels, Restaurants

BIL loves TED. TED is a great place to sit and listen to interesting ideas. Many of those ideas make it online, and millions get to experience them.


The catch for many of us is that TED is $6,000, which is too expensive for most people, including a great number with good ideas worth spreading.


BIL has been created as a free space for people with ideas to come together and share them. Our event is self-organizing, emergent, and anarchic. Nobody is in charge. If you want to come just show up. If you've got an idea to spread start talking. If someone is saying something good, stop and listen.


We think BIL can be a perfect match to TED.