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BIL 2012 - Attendees

Page history last edited by Martin C Horowitz 12 years, 6 months ago Saved with comment


Attending BIL 2012


Remember, YOU ARE BIL


Do you plan to be at BIL?  


  • Please put down some information so we can connect with you
  • REMEMBER - Never SELL a product or service, rather, REVEAL "the coolness"
  • Follow the examples set.  
  • Photos are 240px MAX (either dimension) + 10px margin.
  • It is better to use a "real" photo of yourself over a "staged" one. 
  • If you need help with layout or design, or even pbwiki, shoot an email to reichart/gmail 310 THINKER (we want you happy)

Thank you for helping make this possible. 


Don't forget to officially register on Eventbrite - http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2771907851?ref=elink

Also check out all the awesome people coming (and RSVP for yourself) on the Facebook event page for BIL - https://www.facebook.com/events/327939117226901/

Don't forget to go to BIL 2012 - Needed and bring something!


Attendee List

Adam Gering @adamgering Entrepreneurship, lean startups, angel investing, makers, disruption, anti-aging,
designer jurisdictions, software, emergence, brain storming
Teresa Gonczy teresaeg 

Too many!  :-) Math, science, cogsci, entrepreneurship,

dance, acroyoga, kids, education, psychology, traveling, etc

Tyson Macdonald   Product design, neuroscience, health & fitness.
Abe Heward  

Toenails. Why there are 99+ people going to BIL,

but only 3 people here on the attendees list.

Raines Cohen




Community: real-world and online. Facilitation. Group process.

Tools to help us better communicate and take care of one another.

#cohousing, #coworking, #AgingInCommunity

Betsy Morris @BetsyBe

Planning for Sustainable Communities.

Dan Gutierrez


Physics, Math, Satellite Engineering
Bicycle Transportation, Chess, Poetry

Robin Gane-McCalla robinganemccalla@gmail.com Genetics, AI morality, Evolutionary Computation, Theoretical Psychology
Jonathan Reilly 



Biochemistry. Science Fiction. Evolutionary Biology. Socializing geeks since 2001
Julia Bossmann julia . bossmann (google mail)

Social psychology, culture, bias, environmental factors for mental functioning,

intelligence, human networks, gut flora & nutrition, health

Dune Harman duneharman@yahoo.com

Competitive Olympic style archery. Coaching archery. Shooting long rifle. Fitness. 

Sociology and Psychology. Cooking. Photography. Strategy. Martial arts. Being helpful!

Michael Hartl michael@michaelhartl.com

Difficult, clever, and counter-intuitive ideas

Steve Friedman   Movies, Screenwriting, Fun, New Ideas
Greg Nelson gregariousnelson@gmail.com Purposeful computing, complexity, elegance, learning
Mateo Brown daedelvis/gmail
mateo.daedelvis /fb 

adventure alchemy architecture art audio BIL burningman cocktails design disney elvis fun hypnosis mac magic magick masculinity NLP  ritual sacred sexuality space taichi tantra technology TED tiki vegas

Todd Huffman   @odd / oddboy@gmail.com  Too many to list! 
Martin Horowitz

Realtime embedded systems,avionics, and large format printing

Like the BIL Posters




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Comments (1)

Admin said

at 6:21 am on May 18, 2014

Nice event.
look my pbwiki http://hantuseo.pbworks.com

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