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I am leaving from Las Vegas today around 2PM but if anyone needs a ride I am not opposed to leaving later or even staying an extra night. Its VEGAS! ;) Anyone along the way I can stop and pick up as well.
Comments (5)
Razib said
at 1:15 pm on Mar 1, 2011
I need a ride from the Bay area. East Bay specifically, but not issue taking the BART/train somewhere else. I also need a ride back up.
Dustin Bohac said
at 8:37 am on Mar 2, 2011
I am leaving from Las Vegas today around 2PM but if anyone needs a ride I am not opposed to leaving later or even staying an extra night. Its VEGAS! ;) Anyone along the way I can stop and pick up as well.
Na'ama said
at 4:29 am on Mar 3, 2011
Looking for a ride from the Bay Area. Happy to share costs.
Linda Maepa said
at 8:21 am on Mar 3, 2011
Check out the moBIL link near the top of the page, left side, after the logo.
It's a bus leaving for BIL after dinner on Friday from Oakland and returning to the Bay Area in time for Monday morning obligations.
Jenn Ramsey said
at 8:43 pm on Mar 4, 2011
FYI you can get to BIL easily by train/bus from Downtown LA:
Blue Line Train
Get off Pacific station in Long Beach, catch C Bus (runs every 20 minutes or so) to Queen Mary
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